Black Belt Testing Guide

Appendix "A"

Black Belt Testing Guide

Empty Hand Kata

             Hard Style                                                    Soft Style

    Shotokan                                                                                Hap Ki Do
    Takiyoku 1, 2, 3
    Heian Shodan                                                                                                 Ki Bon Hyung
    Heian Nidan                                                                                                 Cho Gup Hyung
    Heian Sandan                                                                                               Jung Gup Hyung
    Heian Jodan                                                                                                   Ko Gup Hyung
    Heian Godan                                                                                                 Tae Gup Hyung
    Jutte                                                                                                                  Komo Hyung
    Tekki Shodan
    Tekki Nidan
    Jion                                                                                                                    Inner Core
    Jine                                                                                                                  Inner Core 1
    Bassai                                                                                                              Inner Core 2
                                                                                                                            Inner Core 3
    Kenpo                                                                                                              Inner Core 4
    Short Form 1
    Finger Set                                                                                          Internal Arts (Tai Chi)
    Short Form 2 & 3                                                                                        Yang Short Form
    Long Form 1, 2 & 3                                                                                     Yang Long Form
    Form 4                                                                                                           Buddha Tai Chi
    Twin Shadow Set                                                                                               Fu Lei Chuan
    Returning Shadow Set                                                                                    Sleeping Dragon
    Creed Form                                                                          San Shou (2 Person Short Form)
    Dance of the Dragon                                                              San Shou (2 Person Long Form)
    Form 5                                                                                                                          Da Lu
    An Mai Chuan

    Isshinryu                                                                                            Gun Fu (Hard or Soft)
    Seisan                                                                                                              Dancing Dragon
    Seiuchin                                                                                                              Monkey Kata
    Nihanchi                                                                                                                  Tiger Kata
    Wansu                                                                                                                      Bear Kata
    Chinto                                                                                                                      Iron Crane
    Gusanku                                                                                                           Dragon's Breath
    Sunsu                                                                                                                       Standard 1
    Sanchin                                                                                                                    Standard 2
                                                                                                                                    Standard 3
                                                                                                                 Continuous Strike Kata
                                                                                                                      Celestial Wind Kata
                                                                                                                               The Step Drill
                                                                                                                       The Dragon Walks

Weapons Kata

    (Bo Kata)                                                                                         Arnis
Toko Mini No Kuno Dai                                                                                      Anyo Uno
    Bo Shi Shi No Kuno Dai                                                                                      Anyo Dos
    Urashi Bo                                                                                                            Anyo Tres
                                                                                                                            Anyo Quatro

    (Sai Kata)                                                                        Compositional Arnis
Gusanku Sai no Sai                                                                                                     Bo Set #1
     Sai Chatan Yara                                                                                                        Bo Set #2
     Ki An No Sai                                                                                                            Bo Set #3

    (Weapons Kata Continued)

    (Other)                                                                          Internal Arts (Tai Chi)
Takiyoku Tonfa 1                                                                                                     Tai Chi Sword
    Takiyoku Tonfa 2                                                                                                   Thirteen Strikes
    Takiyoku Tonfa 3                                                                                             Two Person Sword
    Tonfa Kata                                                                                                                Tai Chi Cane
    Hama Higa

    Gun Fu
   Thousand Sticks (Two sticks)
    Thunder Meets Earth (Two men with two sticks)
    Snow Leopard (Broadsword)
    Wings of Light (Kama)
    Shan Hai Men (Two men with staffs)
    Twin Musashi's/basic form (Two men with swords)
    Twin Musashi's/long form (Two men with swords)
    Ancient Fury (Cane)

    White Lotus Sword System                                                           Short Stick
    White Lotus 1                                                                                           Short Stick Strike Kata
    White Lotus 2                                                                                           Short Stick Block Kata
    White Lotus 3                                                                                    Nunchaku Improvisation Set
    White Lotus 4
     White Lotus 5
     White Lotus 6
     White Lotus 7 (Singing Dragon)
     White Lotus 8 (Full Circle)


Self Defense Against One Opponent Grabbing

A minimum of three valid responses are required against each type of attack. For Black Sash, the response should be immediate.


Front Grabs


    Single Hand                                                                                    Both Hands
    1. Grab to the sleeve at wrist                                                                            8. Grab at chest level
    2. Grab to the sleeve at elbow                                                                                            9. Choke
    3. Grab to the rib cage                                                                                       10. Front head lock
    4. Grab to either shoulder                                                                                           11. Hip throw
    5. Grab to the chest                                                                                            12. Shoulder throw
    6. Grab to the waist                                                                                        13. Grab to both arms
    7. Grab to the hair

Rear Grabs

    Single Hand                                                                               Both Hands
    14. Grab to the hair                                                                                   19. Grab at shoulder
    15. Grab to collar                                                                                              20. Full Nelson
    16. Grab to either shoulder                                                                                       21. Choke
    17. Grab at the belt                                                                             22. Bear hug (over arms)
    18. Head lock                                                                                  23. Arms over upper torso
                                                                                                                  24. Arms around waist



Self Defense Against One Opponent Attacking

A minimum of three valid responses are required against each type of attack. For Black Sash, the response should be immediate.


       Hand Attacks                                                                             Foot Attacks

      Lunge punch                                                                                           Front kick
      Punch with opposite hand                                                                         Side kick
      Back fist                                                                                                  Face kick
      Multiple punches                                                                                     Hook kick
                                                                                                                   Round kick
                                                                                                   Multiple hand and foot


Self Defense Against One Person Attacking With a Weapon

There will be a minimum of 3 random attacks with each weapon. One valid self defense response is required for each attack.


Weapons Tested

                  • Stick
                  • Knife
                  • Bo
                  • Sword
                  • Gun

    Defender will also be required to respond to opponent holding knife against neck, throat, chest, and back.


Self Defense Against Multiple Attackers

A minimum of three valid responses must be demonstrated against two opponents attacking. For Black Sash, the responses should be immediate.

Three or more valid responses must be demonstrated against three or more opponents attacking. For Black Sash, the resopnses should be immediate.

Kicking Proficiency

Petitioner must demonstrate proficiency and command of the basic arsenal of kicks. Three to five kicks will be executed with each leg. At the head instructor's request, kicks may have to be done into a moving target.

Kicking Arsenal

                • Front kick
                • Side kick
                • Back kick
                • Face kick
                • Inside kick
                • Outside kick
                • Hamstring kick
                • Shin bone kick
                • Shin bone turn kick
                • Axe kick
                • Drop kick
                • Stomp
                • Heel Hook Kick

Multiple Kicks

You will perform 5 variations of two kicks in succession. Each variation will be performed a minimum of 3 times from each side.

You will perform 3 variations of three or more kicks in succession. Each variation will be performed a minimum of 3 times from each side.

Weapons Improvisation

You will be given three everyday objects. You will then be required to demonstrate three self defense applications, using each object as a weapon.


The Animal Fighting Styles

      DRAGON: Explain and demonstrate the Dragon, applying it against 3 attacks.

      BLACK PANTHER: Explain and demonstrate the Black Panther, applying it against 3 attacks.

      BEAR: Explain and demonstrate the Bear, applying it against 3 attacks.

      EAGLE: Explain and demonstrate the Eagle, applying it against 3 attacks.

      COBRA: Explain and demonstrate the Cobra, applying it against 3 attacks.

      MONKEY: Explain and demonstrate the Monkey, applying it against 3 attacks.

      DONKEY: Explain and demonstrate the Donkey, applying it against 3 attacks.

      GRASSHOPPER: Explain and demonstrate the Grasshopper, applying it against 3 attacks.

      TIGER: Explain and demonstrate the Tiger, applying it against 3 attacks.

      PRAYING MANTIS: Explain and demonstrate the Praying Mantis, applying it against 3 attacks.



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