Elements of Attack

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Appendix "E"
The Elements of Attack
(Offensive Fighting Strategies)


    Water Concepts
    Earth Concepts
    Air Concepts
    Fire Concepts

    Gun Fu Water Studies
    (Sparring Concepts #1-5)

    · The lead jab

    · The lead jab followed by a shuffling in reverse punch

    · Closing the gap with a lunge and a lunge punch
        (Executed off of the same knee position)

    · The punching blitz. Shuffle reverse punch, followed by a standing punch, followed by a
     lunge punch

    · Closing the gap---(3 feet out)
            ---Push off with the rear foot
            ---Same push off with a jab and reverse punch
            ---Same push off, with a lead jab, opposite hand reverse punch, same side front kick,
                then opposite side reverse punch followed by a sweep
            ---Always jab realistically when initiating any sequence of techniques


    Gun Fu Earth Studies
    (Sparring Concepts #6-10)

    · The shuffle kick movement (front, side, roundhouse)

    · The lunge kick movement (front, side, roundhouse)

    · Side kick attacks (stepping back, stepping forward, spinning)

    · Roundhouse kick attacks (lead leg, rear leg, stepping forward)

    · Angular attacks (side, roundhouse, back)



    Gun Fu Air Studies
    (Sparring Concepts #11-15)

    · Double kicks with the same leg

    · Jumping kicks initiated by instep kick

    · Jumping kicks initiated by a rear leg front kick

    · Jumping off of the front leg and attacking with the rear leg

    · Jumping spinaround side kick



    Gun Fu Fire Studies
    (Sparring Concepts #16-20)

    · The heel hook kick

    · The outside kick

    · The axe kick

    · Simple combinations
            ---Lead back fist, opposite reverse punch, same outside kick, set
            ---High block, opposite reverse punch, same front kick, opposite spinning side kick or
                spinning back kick, set

    · Advanced Combinations
            ---Lead jab, opposite front kick, same lunge punch, opposite round kick, opposite
                spinning back fist, same spinning side kick, set
            ---Standard #1
            ---Standard #2



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